Our team is made up of bright and like-minded individuals. We come from a variety of different fields and technical backgrounds, yet our passion for finpleo ties us all together. The cornerstone for our idea came from our social media channel, which we launched in April 2020. The positive feedback and the strongly grown community have always given us new ideas for the development of our finpleo app. Besides, we know the Corporate Finance sector from the very inside what makes us a peer for all aspects regarding career, recruiting and employer brading in this field.
Check out the people who make finpleo the amazing company it truly is.
Felix Guetle
Managing Partner
Responsible for Strategic Marketing, Performance Analysis, Social Media and Design
Johannes Max Schneider
Managing Partner
Responsible for Corporate Strategy, Customer Relations and Finance
Michael Reithmeier
Managing Partner
Responsible for App Development, Platform Strategy and Operations
Our Instagram Channel
Corporate Finance Career Network is the home for everyone interested in Finance/M&A/PE. Established in April 2020, our site has grown to become one of the largest Finance communities in the DACH area. We deliver the full package of what you need for your succcessfull career in Finance. On our Instagram channel, we present you concise interview questions, sector insights and Q&A sessions with leading industry experts. To complete the picture, you also find concrete job postings and partner presentations. Feel free to contact us via Instagram – we are happy to connect with you!